September 1st, 1941 – An officer is lighting a cigarette on a dock along the Garonne. In the background is the “pont transbordeur” which will be blown up by the Germans on August 18th, 1942.
(Photo kindly offered by Mr. Paolo Hoffmann)
38 Rue Viatal Carles – Bordeaux.
(Photo kindly offered by Mr. Paolo Hoffmann)
Cape Ferret (Arcachon) – July 3rd, 1941 In the picture are portrayed several officers in the company of German auxiliary personnel.
A: Chief Engineer C.G.M. Renato Filippini (Born in Trieste, 1906), who died aboard the R.Smg. DAGABUR on August 12th, 1942.
B: C.C. Franco Tosoni Pittoni, the officer who sank the British cruiser H.M.S. Calupso, lost aboard the R.Smg. BIANCHI on July 5th, 1941.
C: T.V. Mario Patane`, commanding officer of the R.Smg. VELELLA, lost on September 7th, 1943.
(Photo kindly offered by Mr. Paolo Hoffmann)
Otaria’s happy times: part of the crew of the Otaria.
(Photo courtesy Raccolta Romolo Maddaleni)
Cape Ferret (Arcachon) – July 3rd, 1941 C.C. Franco Tosoni Pittoni.
(Photo kindly offered by Mr. Paolo Hoffmann)
Submarine Emo – Mission from December 2nd, 1940 to January 2nd, 1941.
(Photo kindly offered by Mr. Paolo Hoffmann)
Sailors and petty officer.
(Photo Collection Dominique Lormier)
Italian submariners.
(Photo Collection Dominique Lormier)
Italian submariners.
(Photo Collection Dominique Lormier)
Marines of the Battaglione San Marco and a sailor in winter uniform.
(Photo Collection Dominique Lormier)
Sailors and marines of the Battaglione San Marco in Place Gambetta (Gambetta Square) downtown Bordeaux.
(Photo Collection Dominique Lormier)
2nd Chief Del Bubba with some comrades.
(Photo Rachele Granchi )
2nd Chief Del Bubba with some comrades.
(Photo Rachele Granchi )
2nd Chief Del Bubba with some comrades.
(Photo Rachele Granchi)